Freitag, 25. Juni 2010

Uninstall Oneeko

Uninstall Oneeko had been not the easiest task. But still: How do I uninstall oneeko?

So when you choose the Uninstall option you got a Programmbar in a corner of your display. I can't explain why but I couldn't move it at all.

I decided to minimise the resolution of the monitor to the minimum. (Right click on desktop>Options>...)

So I've got all my desktop stuff viewed much bigger, including this oneeko menu.

The next surprise was that this ... thing has no buttons. Well is normally that the developer can forget something when they try to present such a highly qualitative product. I thought: -why not to use the TAB (with two arrows) button to navigate the, how I assummed hidden options. And as good old times use enter button to activate the choosed option.What a wonder, it had begun to uninstall itself. Well, thank you Oneeko developers! Cause only seldom uninstalling a freeware can be such an adventurous experience.

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